Hyde - Evergreen
I lie awake beside the windowsill
Like a flower in a vase
A moment caught in glass
The rays of sunlight come and beckon me
To a sleepy dreamy haze
A sense of summer days
If only I could stop the flow of time
Turn the clock to yesterday
Erasing all the pain
I've only memories of happiness
Such pleasure we have shared
I'd do it all again
This scenery is evergreen
As buds turn into leaves
the colours live and breathe
This scenery is evergreen
Your tears are falling silently
So full of joy you are a child of spring
With a beauty that is pure
An innocence endures
You flow right through me like a medicine
Bringing quiet to my soul
Without you I'm not whole
This scenery is evergreen
I need you far too much
I long to feel your touch
This scenery is evergreen
You've always been so dear to me
This scenery is evergreen
It sorrows at the sight of seeing you so sad
This scenery is evergreen
I wish that I could dry your tears
The bells have rung the time has come
I cannot find the words to say my last goodbye
This scenery is evergreen
You've always been so dear too me
some people just cant get their facts right. i mean, why cant they just keep their noses out of my business. from my perspective, i've chosen the most rational route. and i must say, no matter how difficult it was to take that step. it was truly the right decision.
i was shocked and appalled that some people actually would stoop to such a level to get information. and even worse, someone else could spew out such sensitive matters to a 'friend' that was only made a few days ago. yet it had happened. you chose to let everything be known to this someone, without seeing the underlying reason why that someone tried to get close to you in the first place.
i know it's all part of your brilliant scheme to make me look bad. and your wonderful skill of provoking me had not gone unnoticed. it was disgusting how you dug your way into this matter. which did not concern you at all. however, you said it was all your business. as you became 'friends', days after it had ended.
it's heartbreaking to see someone like you, who had put on such a goody-goody mask. turn around and try to provoke me, when you couldnt even get your facts right. as others had said, i need not give an explanation to you. firstly, because you have no right to be involved. and secondly, i had not done anything that has betrayed my conscience. yet would one stop to think of the consequences if i had chosen the other option.
i'm profoundly worried about the skill of your english. from what little facts you had gathered. you chose to use the word 'bully', when it was completely out of context. i believe whatever i done had gone way past the limit. that was why i stopped and pondered over it.
anything i do now would be deemed wrong to you, as you would never make impartial judgements on my actions. but i urge you to stop and think about the situation, coming to me would not solve whatever problem you have right now.
the only problem you ever had was me. so please come and try to settle it with me. instead of using other matters and dumping them onto me. get over it already. we're all grown up young adults. quit acting like a small kid.
argh. i'm having 1sb9 withdrawal symptoms! boohoo.
i never expected myself to get so attached to 1sb9. i still rmb the day i dreaded. leaving my og to join the classes. but now... argh. sb9 rocks damn it.
i miss the random trash the class pple start shouting. i miss the singing with enshen and jeremy lim. i miss playing taiti in the bleaches and trying not to get caught. i miss going to the cafe after swim pe. i miss the whole class getting scolded for not doing work. i miss playing lan every tuesday. i miss ponning chem lectures every friday. i miss eating seaweed during lessons i miss the mass passing of sweets i miss 1sb9.
AHHH. i pray that all those who have appealled back will be successful. damn i feel emo. this sucks seriously.
in chinese. enshen is sitting on my lap while matthew is hiding behind me.
gp. i wanted to put the whole class with our form teacher. but the pic was blur. so i'll wait until i get a good one
hmm ok. i shall update for once. haha. went to ac with lanz today. to pei all the fairsians there who are appealing in. really hope all my fmss friends would be able to make it in.
after, went down to marina sqaure for seoul gardens with 1sb9. it's so sad that we're gonna be seperated as some are leaving the school, and others leaving the class. hope we'll continue to keep in contact. 3 mths passed pretty fast. and i'm glad i'm still in ac.
we played abit of pool and i went down to holland. went to raechelle's house and played some games. haha. i realised, my childhood like nvr play such games one. now at least we have more games for 2nd orientation! haha. went to adam's road for dinner and crossed over to island creamery for ice-cream
well. pae is over and jae has just began. gonna miss all those who are leaving ac. hmm. i got pics to upload. but i'm too lazy now. will do it sometime soon. heh.
argh. i woke up too early. haha. chinese new year celebrations are today. so there's no lessons. yay! damn bored now.
ok. i'm kinda hooked to 'how to save a life' yes lanz. stop laughing. finally i came to the realization that it is nice haha.
i shall stop crapping. my brain's still not functioning properly now. Zzz.
everyone. please pray for caleb. his whole crumpler bag got stolen today. SLR, ipod and all. it's really heartbreaking.
but caleb. if you're reading this. i wanna tell you that the way you handled it was really amazing. even though you were sad and frustrated, you handled it like a man of God. if that were me, i would have probably sweared non-stop. it really encouraged me. and i respect you even more now, as my CM and friend.
THANK YOU GOD! i'm so happy. for those who havent heard. i've got 8 points for my O levels. and it's all really by His grace. i was sick during the O levels period and i really prayed for the concentration to pull through. truly, it wasnt by my own human effort. but by my great God's.
i still havent really accepted the fact that i scored so amazingly well. and that my bio was actually an A1. i hated bio so much. now i might have to reconsider.
i'm also grateful to the teachers and my great friends. i cant wait to enter ACJC again for JAE.
fmss - 1D'03, 2C'04, 3F'05, 4F'06
grace aog - r-age
what limpeh wants.
-i just want you.